An Introduction

IMG_4494.JPGhello! Welcome to this blog! I wanted a digital place where I could write my thoughts, post pictures of things that I find pretty, discuss God, share my music, and find new recipes that I can actually eat with celiac disease. So this is going to become my outlet! I’m hoping that I will actually keep up with this blog, as I have an infinite amount of blogs that I started with a sudden inspiration and then have given up on within a matter of weeks, but I will try much harder to keep up with this one!

Anyway, I did have a point for this post, other than to welcome you to my ramblings and thank you for reading, so here it is: I was sitting in my house watching Hallmark Christmas movies with a fever and a box of tissue sitting next to me and suddenly became very restless.

It is now almost a year after I was watching those hallmark movies, and I’ve been hit with the inspiration to blog again! I found myself writing lots of thoughts and ideas in the notes section on my phone, and thought why not just publish them?! I have several friends who are successful bloggers, so why couldn’t I be one?! We’ll see how this goes, but welcome to my ramblings!

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