An Introduction

IMG_4494.JPGhello! Welcome to this blog! I wanted a digital place where I could write my thoughts, post pictures of things that I find pretty, discuss God, share my music, and find new recipes that I can actually eat with celiac disease. So this is going to become my outlet! I’m hoping that I will actually keep up with this blog, as I have an infinite amount of blogs that I started with a sudden inspiration and then have given up on within a matter of weeks, but I will try much harder to keep up with this one!

Anyway, I did have a point for this post, other than to welcome you to my ramblings and thank you for reading, so here it is: I was sitting in my house watching Hallmark Christmas movies with a fever and a box of tissue sitting next to me and suddenly became very restless.

It is now almost a year after I was watching those hallmark movies, and I’ve been hit with the inspiration to blog again! I found myself writing lots of thoughts and ideas in the notes section on my phone, and thought why not just publish them?! I have several friends who are successful bloggers, so why couldn’t I be one?! We’ll see how this goes, but welcome to my ramblings!


Today I went to the beautiful wddding reception of a friend whom I have known and been close to for about five years. We’ve shared whispers about boys we liked, lots of dance parties, lots of food, and a lot of time. While this friend got married and I thought about all of the experiences we’ve had, the “drinking” games we used to play with soda and the late nights where we just cried and talked about how much boys suck, and while I heard all of the stories about her and her husband, I couldn’t help thinking about love means and how often I tell people I love them. As a Christian, love is what God shows us, and the only way we can show God’s goodness to others. As a young person, love is thrown around, whispered to people we barely know after sloppy kisses in the dark, or to friends who we feel the need to tell how much we “love” them. And we, as people in general, are told to be careful who you tell those three words to because they can lose their meaning quickly. But is it better to have loved everyone, or to have not loved anyone? Is the word “love” used for a false commitment or is it still the pure, delightful thing it once was? Basically, what I’m getting at is that the wedding I went to tonight made me think a lot. I’m going to start making it mean something more when I tell someone I love them, and I encourage you to do the same.